Aristomenis Exadaktylos Premio Sciacca 2016 Medicina

Aristomenis Exadaktylos Premio Sciacca 2016 Medicina

Al professor Aristomenis Exadaktylos, direttore del Dipartimento di Medicina d’Urgenza presso l’ospedale universitario di Berna, è stato assegnato il Premio Speciale della Giuria in Medicina.

Il riconoscimento sarà consegnato nel corso della solenne cerimonia di premiazione in programma sabato 12 novembre presso la Pontificia Università Urbaniana.

Grazie alla sua esperienza internazionale, il prof. Exadaktylos, 44 anni, ha costruito un’imponente rete di collegamento tra giovani professionisti nel campo della Medicina d’Urgenza, disciplina di fondamentale importanza nei paesi avanzati ma soprattutto nei paesi più poveri del Mondo.

Ha istituito a sue spese borse di studio per favorire la preparazione di molti giovani medici.

Dal 2011 è Membro del Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

Due anni fa, insieme ad un collega africano, ha creato il Centro Internazionale di Eccellenza di Medicina di Emergenza (CEEM), una piattaforma internazionale per la collaborazione tra cliniche di emergenza, particolarmente con quelle del Sud del mondo e del Sud- Est europeo.

Ha all’attivo oltre 200 pubblicazioni.

Ricordiamo che ogni anno il Premio Sciacca conferisce riconoscimenti alle eccellenze del mondo in varie discipline, divisi in due categorie: giovani studiosi (under 35) e adulti (premi speciali della giuria).

Inoltre viene individuato un Vincitore Assoluto, che per questa XV edizione sarà proclamato il giorno 3 novembre attraverso il sito internet

Aristomenis Exadaktylos – Professor of Emergency Medicine Chair, Head and Clinical Director Department of Emergency Medicine INSELSPITAL, Universitätsspital Bern  – win the Sciacca Award 2016 in Medicine.

The prize will be presented during the awards ceremony on Saturday November 12 at the Pontificia Università Urbaniana, in Rome. 

Prof. Exadaktylos, 44 years old, studied medicine in Wittenberg and graduated from there in 1996. Also in 1996 he completed his thesis in medicine with honours.

He undertook his clinical training in surgery, anaesthesiology and emergency medicine in Bern, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Dublin and Boston.

The result of this multinational training has been to widen his horizon, to allow him to learn from the best and to help him to build a strong network among young opinion leaders in Emergency Medicine, a key to many problems in modern primary health care, both in Europe and in poorer countries.

His principle achievement has not been any specific invention, but his untiring support of young emergency physicians throughout the world. He pays for many of these scholarships from his own pocket or organises donors. In this way, many young doctors have been provided with advanced or postgraduate training.

Professor Exadaktylos’s achievements were recognised in 2011 when he was made Fellow of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

Professor Exadaktylos was largely trained in South Africa, where he also worked in the air rescue for the local Red Cross. This is where he discovered his love for medical care in developing countries. So, in 2014, he succeeded in enticing a South African guest professor in emergency medicine to come to Bern and together they founded the Centre of Excellence in Emergency Medicine. This international platform is unique and provides the foundation for specific collaboration with emergency clinics, particularly in south and southeast Europe.


The International Sciacca Award, every year, gives some prize to the excellences of the world, divided into two categories: young students (under 35) and adults (special prizes).

Last but not least, the jury identify an “overhead winner”.


In this XV edition, the winner will be announced on November 3 on the website


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